It will be preaching to the choir to say that we all need a certain amount of protein everyday to remain healthy. However, based on misinformation to this effect, several people view the daily consumption of a high-protein diet as beneficial, especially in regards to losing weight.
However, when one analyzes the negative results of high protein diets, which we will touch on in a few moments, it really raises the question as to just how healthy are such diets.
Friends, the negative results of high protein diets and high-protein plans are potentially dangerous.
Most diets in this category all too often contain too much saturated fat and not enough fibre, and lack of carbohydrate can put the body into ketosis which is an abnormal metabolic state with unpleasant side effects such as bad breath and nausea.
Dr. Arne Astrup, who is a Danish obesity expert, concludes that headaches, muscle weakness and either diarrhea or constipation are reported more often by Atkins dieters than people on conventional diets.
For most people who do go on such high protein diets, the most frequent complaints they have are incidents of constipation and headache, which are readily explained by the lack of fruit, vegetables and whole grains, Astrup said.
Judging from these, it may be time to revise the misinforming ideas on protein in our diets in order to avoid the negative results of high protein diets.
So is there an alternative that does work?
Oh yes there is.
It comprises of the use of raw and properly cooked Fruits, Roots and Leafy Vegetables.
Not only is this kind of diet unmatched for speedy weight-loss, but your body will thank you for the change as you mechanically (via the broom-like/mucus-binding qualities of these substances) cleanse yourself from perhaps a life-time of wrong eating.
Yeah we need protein, but just not TOO much of it.
Heres to Health
Foras Aje is an independent researcher and co-founder of BodyHealthSoul LLC. Stop by His Healthy Solutions for Weight Loss Blog today for more information on the side effects of low carb dieting Article Source: |
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