Can I Just Exercise Alone to Lose Weight without Dieting?

Well, thats an interesting albeit understandable concept; to just do exercise without worrying about what one eats to lose the pounds.

I mean when one considers the problems with most diets today, especially with world being filled with tempting foods that overwhelm our ability to "self-regulate" what we eat, it makes it harder for that person trying to lose weight

Nonetheless, the reality is that according to Greenway, who is also a medical advisor for the Jenny Craig weight-loss program, from studies comparing dieters who don't exercise with dieters who work out: "Diet is the most efficient way to lose weight." However, he's quick to add, "Exercise is essential for keeping weight off, especially as we age".

But, dont sigh in resignation just yet, I have a suggestion.

If you dont want to be obsessed with counting the calories, obsessive measurements when making meals, making sure you have eaten from all the food groups etc

Have you heard of the Mucus-less or Mucus-poor/alkaline diet?

It does comprise of healthy items but one can basically eat the 'right' foods as hunger dictateson some FEW conditions.

The benefits are that not only does this bring about weight loss effectively, it gives the added bonus of making one's present exercises easier to do (with increase in endurance) and rids the body (namely the colon) of excess debris and weight, thus making the whole process of a healthy weight loss more efficient and usable.

Furthermore, its not a diet per-se, it is a lifestyle as its principles-as elementary and common-sense as they truly are-do have the tendency to lend themselves to other aspects of ones everyday life.

I present this suggestion with the understanding that anyone looking to work out will have some sense of wanting to eat right, albeit not necessarily obsessively.

So, if you are looking to just do exercise only to lose weight and if being able to 'eat' without necessarily rationalizing everything is a goal, well you could give one diet a chancethe Mucus-less Diet.

Heres to improving and improved health

Foras Aje is an independent researcher and co-founder of BodyHealthSoul LLC. Stop by His Healthy Solutions for Weight Loss Blog today for more information on how to lose weight without dieting just exercise

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