Cellulite Diets

Cellulite diets may be termed as healthy eating rather than dieting. There are two steps involved - eating healthy foods and avoiding certain types of foods. This type of dieting is more commonly known as detoxification diet. Detoxification diet may help to reduce cellulite by improving on cellulite related functions like lymph and blood flow in the body.

Healthy Food for Cellulite Reduction

Experts advise eating more foods like soy, blueberries and nuts. Adding onions to your meal is a great way of getting rid of cellulite. They help release water buildup from skin cells. Foods rich in vitamins B, C and E, calcium, iodine, fiber and potassium are essential for detoxification. Some good sources of foods for treating cellulite are fresh vegetables like asparagus and broccoli, avocados, oily fish, bananas, pears, bran and oat cereals. Organic vegetables and fruits are the best to treat cellulite.

Foods to avoid

It is best to avoid certain types of food that can cause cellulite. Excessive consumption of caffeine causes poor blood circulation. Caffeine also has a negative impact on lymph flow, causing toxins to build up in the body. Limiting caffeine intake to just one cup of coffee or tea a day is good. Reducing sugar intake has a positive effect on overall weight management. Alcohol consumption increases fat levels in the blood. Alcohol also reduces absorption of certain anti fat agents like Vitamin C, calcium and zinc.

Fatty and salty junk foods have to be avoided. Foods with saturated fat like meat and butter should be kept to the minimum level. High carbohydrate foods like white rice and bread can be substituted with brown rice and wheat bread. Reducing the amount of fat by eating more grilled or steamed food is a better choice. Smoking should be avoided because it contributes to accumulation of toxins in the body.

Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet can reduce existing cellulite and prevent newer cellulite formations.

Cellulite provides detailed information on Cellulite, Cellulite Treatment, Cellulite Cream, Causes of Cellulite and more. Cellulite is affiliated with Hoodia Diet Pills.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Emerson

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