Diet Weight Loss program which Use Horoscope Zodiac Signs to Tell the Best Times to Lose the Most Weight with the Least Effort
Astrologers themselves found that the planets, sun and moon exert certain physical stresses on the earth. The effects of these stresses manifest themselves in weather patterns, planet and animal behavior, and most notably, in ocean tides.
Astrology is the reading if your horoscope-the map of the planets at the time of your birth. Like any map, astrology can give you your boundaries and the obstacles you will encounter-dieting, as well as in life. It will also show you how to use your cosmic energy by tapping into your strengths, and even your weaknesses, to overcome a certain obstacle-like being overweight.
Since the earth is constantly moving, nothing (including you) stays the same. To diet successfully, you must find out what your givens are where the sun was in your chart when you were born, what horoscope zodiac sign was on the horizon (your rising sign), and the placement of the planets at the moment of your birth. The placement of your sun tells how you perceive the world and what motivates you. Your rising sign tells how the world perceives you. The placement of your moon reveals how you interpret this information.
Most diet weight loss program limit your intake of all the things you love to eat, sometimes they do away with them, altogether. Knowing that you must give up these foods, and accepting it, are two very different things. If you cannot live without coffee with cream and sugar, black coffee may not get you through even the first day of your diet weight loss program. Many of us love and depend on certain foods, and the prospect of giving them up forever-or at least for the next ten to twenty pounds-may send us into fits of depression, or worse, into giving up the diet weight loss program completely.
By recognizing the eating and personality traits for each horoscope zodiac sign, you can eliminate this formidable barrier to successful dieting forever. When you learn what your givens are, you can begin to work with them and not against them.
For instance, the fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) have less trouble dieting than any other horoscope zodiac signs, since their bodies burn up calories most efficiently. Their diets are based on carbohydrate counting because their weakness stems from quantity: they will try to consume much more than they actually need, and they like foods with poor nutritional value. Their diets are based on the motto, Eat like a queen in the morning, like a prince in the afternoon and like a beggar in the evening.
You might start your diet whenever the spirit-or the necessity-moves you. But remember that you will not see the dramatic results you crave unless you diet during the correct astrological cycles for your horoscope zodiac sign.
The secret is timing. For centuries astrologers and farmers have known that the sun affects the plumpness of fruits and vegetables. Now astrologers noted it also affects the weight of people.
The earth signs, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, have a harder time losing weight because they let themselves gain weight for a long time before going on a diet weight loss program.
The air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, have little trouble losing weight because they have so much nervous energy. They tend to go on way-out fad diets, however, and thats a weakness. They need to keep a diary of everything they eat in order to benefit from a diet weight loss program.
The water signs, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, gain and lose weight at a phenomenal rate because most of their problem is not fat, but water weight.
Before you begin complete these four preliminary steps:
Step one: Self Evaluation.
If you are reading this article, you want to lose weight. You must set up a clear goal that how much weight you want to lose.
Step Two: Banish Guilt.
Realize there are times when you will find it hard to lose weight. If you dont lose weight at these times, dont be hard on yourself. Think of those times when you have been bursting with willpower; then think of the other times when you would have killed for a cracker. We have all had times when we can seem to eat anything and still lose weight. Then there are times when you stick religiously to diet and gain weight despite your effort. Knowing your astrological cycles will help prepare you for those times.
Step Three: Timing is everything
Use your horoscope zodiac sign and learn to do the right thing, at the right place, at the right time.
Step Four: Know Yourself.
Everyone has a different reason for being overweight. Study your likes and dislikes. Get to know yourself. It can help you explore your astrological map, but only you can find the most direct route to your goal.
Please feel free to use the article and include the following link with anchor text on your site. Credit to: Elaine Fung, Horoscopes & Chinese Astrology Specialist Article Source: |
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