Dieting- Simple Dos And Donts For Successful Dieting

Rather than relying on drugs and pills the best and really the easiest form of dieting is following normal natural dieting. Rather than spend loads of money on costly shakes and pills you save money while achieving you goals and objectives. While natural dieting is effective without being costly it has to be done right for effective results. To help ensure success with dieting there are certain dos and certain donts that have to be observed for success.

One of the important dos is finding out what diet is most suitable for you based on personal taste, preference, time, health and family history as well as dieting benefits. You can ask the help of a professional dietician if you choose who can help you plan a proper dieting routine which takes into cognizance all the factors above or if you choose to do it personally take all those factors into consideration yourself and where you need ask or search for help.

One of the most common reasons for not achieving dieting goals is very simple. It is not following the dieting plan that you have created or had created for you. Do follow the plan as without it and the meals and activities outlines you are guaranteeing only one thing, failure. You can have copies of the plan at the most conspicuous of places so it stays on your mind, on the fridge, the desk, the car and anywhere that helps it stay in your mind. This way you are guaranteed to follow it and achieve you dieting plans and goals.

While it is okay to indulge in snacks even while dieting it is advisable to snack healthy. So do get healthy snack substitutes to replace all those calorie filled and unhealthy snacks that we all love to indulge ourselves in but lead to many regrets at a later time. Eat healthy fruits is not only a good filler but a healthy one as well. Think fruits like grapes, apples and the like and you will do just fine.

Part of your dieting should include physical exercise. Do engage in physical exercise or activity of some sort as it helps with burning fat which helps dieting and helps you keep your shape.

It is a good idea to measure the progress of your dieting goals. So do keep a record of the progress you are making. It will show you what you are doing right or wrong as well as what is working for you so you have a better idea of any adjustments as needed.

Red Pepper: Hot Stuff For Fighting Fat?
Food scientists in Taiwan are reporting new evidence from laboratory experiments that capsaicin - the natural compound that gives red pepper that spicy hot kick - can reduce the growth of fat cells. The study is scheduled for the March 21 issue of the ACS' Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, a bi-weekly publication. [click link for full article]

Modern Imaging Unravels Causes Of Addictive Behaviour - A Possible Basis For New Therapies?
What can radiology contribute to the treatment of obesity (adipositas)? Evidently a great deal, as was made clear at the European Congress of Radiology (ECR 2007) at Austria Center Vienna. [click link for full article]

Belly Fat May Drive Inflammatory Processes Associated With Disease
As scientists learn more about the key role of inflammation in diabetes, heart disease and other disorders, new research from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis suggests that fat in the belly may be an important promoter of that inflammation.Excess fat is known to be associated with disease, but now the researchers have confirmed that fat cells inside the abdomen are secreting molecules that increase inflammation. [click link for full article]

Be Inspired: Shannan's Story
Some people have it tough, and others have it very tough. Shannan Hutchinson is one of the latter. Shannan has Multiple Sclerosis - yet despite the phenomenal challenges posed by her illness, Shannan was able to lose over 90 pounds - by eating right and exercising. Here is her story....

News Roundup and Quick Links
The Carrot Diet A woman eats carrots every 15 minutes for 3 months in order to cure her infertility. The solution seemed to work as she became pregnant. A tabloid special Active kids say slim "Children who did 15 minutes a day of moderate exercise -- equivalent to a brisk walk -- were 50 percent less likely than inactive...

How to Display a Picture in Your Comments
I've finally enabled avatars / pictures for commenters. Here's how you do it. Go to a site called Gravatar. Follow the instructions by entering your email (make sure it is the same email address that you use for your comments!). Once registered you can upload a picture. From then on your picture will display next to your comment (see...

In Obesity, Brain Becomes 'Unaware' Of Fat
Critical portions of the brain in those who are obese don't really know they are overweight, researchers have reported in the March issue of the journal Cell Metabolism, published by Cell Press. These findings in obese mice show that a sensor in the brain that normally detects a critical fat hormone - causing a cascade of events that keeps energy balance in check - fails to engage. Meanwhile, the rest of the metabolic pathway remains ready to respond. [click link for full article]

Obesity Surgery Can Lead To Memory Loss And Movement Problems
A new US study suggests that obesity surgery such as gastric bypasses can cause vitamin deficiency that leads to memory loss, confusion, co-ordination, and other neurological problems.The study is published in the journal Neurology.A neurological sydrome called Wernicke encephalopathy occurs mostly in patients who vomit a lot after they have had weight loss surgery (also known as bariatric surgery). [click link for full article]

Obesity's Connection To Cardiovascular Disease Remains Poorly Understood
Obesity rates have escalated dramatically in the last several decades and the condition negatively affects health, but its connection to conditions such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) is complex and not fully understood. In the March issue of the Journal of Investigative Medicine experts say more research is needed to discover the links between obesity and CVD, with particular attention to biological differences between women and men. [click link for full article]