The pH Miracle Diet is one of the most interesting and groundbreaking new eating plans to hit the world of nutrition and dieting. This way of eating proclaims that following the program will help restore your health to natural balance and rid you of a myriad of conditions, including excess weight. While most people are looking to shed a few pounds, this diet also claims to help with fatigue, muscle pain and indigestion, as well as many other problems.
If youve tried low carbohydrate diets before and felt terrible after consuming all of that protein, then the pH Miracle diet may be for you. This eating program is based on alkaline foods, which are better for your health and for your body. Since humans have a slightly alkaline pH, eating alkaline foods helps support the bodily pH balance. Most people eat a lot of acidic foods like animal protein, dairy products and wheat. The pH miracle diet consists of certain fruits, vegetables, alternative grains and vegetarian protein sources.
Dr. Robert Young, the creator of the pH Miracle diet, points out in his book that many peoples health problems are due to excess acidity in the body. Among other things, Young says that chronic fatigue, excess mucous production, nasal congestion, frequent colds and infections, stress, anxiety, weak nails, dry hair, dry skin, headaches, arthritis, muscle pain, hives and leg cramps are all signs of excess acidity.
If you have had any of these symptoms for an extended period of time, your acidic diet may be to blame. Think about how much of your diet relies on high acid foods, like animal protein and dairy products. If these problems have been a bother to your life and your health for some time, youll benefit from giving the pH miracle diet a try.
The pH miracle diet will be a welcome relief for those who have tried to do low carb diets with little success. The foods are less harsh on the stomach and digestive system than the heavy protein required on low-carb diets. There is also a better balance of protein to carbohydrates. The proteins that are used on the pH miracle diet are selected carefully for their level of acid. The proteins consist of alkalizing tofu, beans and nuts.
The pH miracle diet is also good for people who enjoy eating a vegetarian diet. If youve given up meat for a day or two and felt better, than this diet may be very beneficial for you. There is no meat on the diet and the only alkaline dairy product allowed is goat milk. Tofu, which has long been a mainstay of vegetarian diets, is a major part of the pH miracle diet.
If you have a diet that consists mainly of processed foods and very few vegetables, you will definitely benefit from this diet. A diet that consists of manufactured food has very little natural nutrients. This can cause many detriments to your health and you can suffer from the effects of malnutrition, even when you are eating your fill. The focus on vegetables and fresh foods in this way of eating will help get natural vitamins and minerals back into your diet. Just adding a moderate amount of alkaline foods to your diet can improve your health greatly.
The pH miracle diet is a good diet for many different types of people. If you fit any of the previous criteria, you owe it to your health to give this way of eating a try.
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