If you don't know what the Atkins Diet is, where have you been for the last 10 years? The Atkins Diet is a low carb diet developed over twenty years ago by Dr Robert Atkins, an American heart specialist. It is one of the most popular low carb diets around, and people who have used it have been very successful in meeting their weight loss goals. The Atkins diet is a wonderful diet that can be highly effective for many people.
It sounds like a simple question, but most people I've talked to really aren't sure exactly what the Atkins diet is. The Atkins diet is a high-protein, high-fat, and very low-carbohydrate regimen and is great for those that love the thought of a fry-up every morning. The science behind the Atkins diet is based on changing the body's metabolism. The principle behind the this is something called Ketosis. The Atkins Diet is an attempt to trick your body into burning stored fat rather than the carbohydrates you consume for energy. A plus of The Atkins Diet is that exercise is recommended and the majority of the people in-fact do lose weight.
One drawback of the Atkins Diet is that it can become boring although the most serious drawback of the Atkins diet is that it limits fruits and vegetables. The Atkins diet is also seductive because it makes physiological sense. As the Atkins diet is nutritionally restrictive, vitamin and mineral supplements are advised while on the diet. Whatever the answer, the Atkins diet is not a licence to eat as much fat as you want.
The Atkins Diet is a lifetime dietary approach and is probably the most controversial diet plans ever written although also probably the most successful diet of the last few years in terms of books and products sold. It has it's pros and cons and also equal numbers of people who are for and against it. As with any form of dieting it is highly recommended that you contact your doctor before starting.
Whatever diet you choose to follow, Good Luck. Make sure you do you research well and be sensible. There is an excellent e book available called Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution which gives you all of the information you need to follow the plan and be successful.
Andy Bowen runs the website about Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution dedicated to providing information about The Atkins Diet. http://www.diet.books4download.com/dr-atkins-new-diet-revolution.html Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andy_Bowen |
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