Let''s Analyze the Results of Most Diet Trends

(Submitted by: Foras Aje)

Sure it is always a great idea to want to better ourselves, be it in our job performances, health, relationships, however one thing that we have to make all efforts to avoid is the tendency to be overly compulsive about our attempts at self ... Read article

Let''s Analyze the Figures and Information About Most Diets

(Submitted by: Foras Aje)

So, its a new year, resolutions have been made and the most common one usually is: Im going to go on a diet to lose all this weight this year!Well, I do not want to be the bearer of any bad news but folks the figures and information ... Read article

The Secret to Losing Weight Without Dieting, Exercise, Pills, or Surgery!

(Submitted by: Jeffrey Hauser)

My wife was obese. When we were first married in our twenties, she was a few pounds overweight. As the years flew by, she began craving more sweets and trending toward larger portions of fattier foods. Every New Years Day, she began a different ... Read article

Are You on a Diet: The Diet Management Manual Owner Waist Book Review

(Submitted by: Andrew Herbert)

If the festive seasons over eating has left you feeling you need to lose that excessive weight and a diet is now in order, then have you tried the third best selling non fiction book in the world, the Diet Management Manual Owner Waist ... Read article

Lose Weight Quickly and Be Healthy With This Diet

(Submitted by: Kelly Price)

Imagine a diet that gives you a wide variety of foods, allows for treats and that will help you live longer, be healthier and happier.Well, if you want to lose weight and enjoy your food this is the perfect diet.Lets take a look at ... Read article

Harmful Diets!

(Submitted by: Siti Saniah Abullah)

While obesity is bad for health but the wrong way to diet can also be harmful to your health. Common examples are anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorders. These are illnesses where extreme emotions, attitudes, and behaviors surround weight ... Read article

Dash into the DASH Diet to Solve Hypertension

(Submitted by: John Christian Sebastian)

What is the DASH diet?. DASH stands for Dietary Approaches for Stopping Hypertension. It is a common term used by physicians all over the United States. Basically it involves a diet which consists of foods that have proven to lower high ... Read article

Making the Atkins Diet Work for You

(Submitted by: Morgan Hamilton)

Several years ago, I decided to go on the Atkins diet because I was a bit overweight. Now, this is the first time that I have done any dieting. I was able to drop 10 pounds on the first week so I could not understand why so many people are always ... Read article

The Acid Alkaline Diet For Optimum Health Restore Your Health By Creating Balance In Your Diet

(Submitted by: Terri Bennett)

The acid alkaline diet for optimum health restore your health by creating balance in your diet!The issue of acid-alkaline balance (or pH balance) is comparatively new.This is an exciting fresh way to reduce your weight by ... Read article

A Quick and Easy Low Calorie Diet That Anyone Can Do With A Product Found In Your Pantry!

(Submitted by: Brenda Wagner)

Here is one of the easiest ways that I have found to lose weight. You do not have to follow a ton of rules, and you do not have to buy a whole lot of groceries either. You may already have the main part of this diet in your pantry! I have done ... Read article

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As Obesity In Children Increases, The Incidence Of Fatty Liver Disease Rises
Indiana University School of Medicine researchers are taking a closer look at a disease whose incidence is rising as obesity in children increases. Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis, more popularly known as Fatty Liver Disease, occurs in approximately 15% of obese children. Fatty Liver Disease, in which fat accumulates in the liver, while not life threatening in children, can lead to cirrhosis (scarring) of the liver, sometimes requiring transplantation by adulthood. [click link for full article]

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