Dieting as a Team Sport: Reduce the Fat, Increase the Love
(Submitted by: R. E. Masa, Ph.D.)
In an era of growing obesity around the world, weight loss is a matter of health and it can be a matter of life and death, especially for a relationship! While the genders may vary, it is quite common for one spouse to lose interest in the other ... Read article
Managing Your Diet To Lose Weight Is Not Dieting
(Submitted by: Joann Grant)
With the ever changing lifestyles and growing amount of stressors, both on the workplace and at home, people find hardly any activities that help them to come out of their worries and anxiety. With the irregular eating habits and non-nutritious ... Read article
Dieters Beware: Fat Mongers Have Set Traps in Your Grocery Store
(Submitted by: R. E. Masa, Ph.D.)
Would you let your child wander alone through a dangerous neighborhood? Well, for an overeater, there is no neighborhood more dangerous than the grocery store. And compared to the army of manipulators lurking on every shelf, we are all like ... Read article
Personal Review Of Diet Protein Shakes
(Submitted by: Loman B)
I would like to share some information about Kashi protein shakes. After some research and admittedly a short personal test, I found these shakes to be a good addition to most any weight loss program. Currently, you may find many ... Read article
Stop Dieting And Start Pounding Your Bones
(Submitted by: Peter Somerville)
Two recent studies by diet and health researchers confirm that dieting alone is not the best or the healthiest way to go about weight loss.Dennis T. Villareal, M.D., Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, and colleagues ... Read article
Dieting- Simple Dos And Donts For Successful Dieting
(Submitted by: James Hegarty)
Rather than relying on drugs and pills the best and really the easiest form of dieting is following normal natural dieting. Rather than spend loads of money on costly shakes and pills you save money while achieving you goals and objectives. While ... Read article
Food Choices For Dieting
(Submitted by: Kim Jamieson)
Have you ever wondered what to eat while you are dieting? Well today is your day. These are just a few suggestions for you to supplement on those tough days.Food Choices Meats: avoid using anything cured or processed with honey. You may ... Read article
Fasting - 95% OF Dieters Fail Fasting Will ENSURE You Beat The Odds!
(Submitted by: Sacha Tarkovsky)
If we control our appetite, our weight is automatically controlled and thats exactly what fasting will teach you - How to control your appetite.95% of people who start dieting give up and put on weight.This is due to being unable to ... Read article
Drop A Piano On Your Latest Diet Program
(Submitted by: John Christian Sebastian)
If youre like the rest of us dieters and fitness oriented people, youve probably tried at least half of the diet programs and fitness products that are in your fitness category today. Is this a surprising concept to you? Think of each ... Read article
Ephedra Diet Pills Can Give You An Edge - Or Push You Over It
(Submitted by: John Christian Sebastian)
Throughout the dieting industry, there are products that can help you. However, there are those that can hinder you. In fact, some of them can actually cause serious health problems or issues to arise. When it comes to ephedra diet ... Read article
News Roundup and Quick Links
The Carrot Diet A woman eats carrots every 15 minutes for 3 months in order to cure her infertility. The solution seemed to work as she became pregnant. A tabloid special Active kids say slim "Children who did 15 minutes a day of moderate exercise -- equivalent to a brisk walk -- were 50 percent less likely than inactive...
Even Light Exercise Helps Smokers Quit
Even short bouts of light exercise such as strolling can help smokers quit by reducing cigarette cravings and withdrawal symptoms, say scientists at the University of Exeter in the UK. The study is published in the April edition of the journal Addiction. The scientists suggest that a short session of moderate exercise, lasting for as little as five minutes, is sufficient to reduce cravings for a cigarette. [click link for full article]
Corn: How Much Do You Eat?
When I think of corn - I think of a tasty cob - freshly picked at the height of summer. If only it was really like that. Corn (Zea Mays) is actually a major ingredient in a phenomenal number of processed foods (corn syrup in particular). A new feature-length documentary - King Corn - explores the whole corn industry...
Obesity At The Time Of Prostate-Cancer Diagnosis Dramatically Increases The Risk Of Dying From The Disease
Obese men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer have more than two-and-a-half times the risk of dying from the disease as compared to men of normal weight at the time of diagnosis, according to a study by researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. The findings by senior author Alan Kristal, Dr.P.H., and colleagues appear online and will be published in the March 15 print edition of the journal Cancer. [click link for full article]
The Answer To Childhood Obesity: 15 Minutes Of Football?
ALSPAC The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (also known as Children of the 90s) is a unique ongoing research project based in the University of Bristol. It enrolled 14,000 mothers during pregnancy in 1991-2 and has followed most of the children and parents in minute detail ever since. [click link for full article]