PH Miracle Diet Basics
(Submitted by: Lisa Sequera)
The pH Miracle diet is the newest phenomenon to strike the dieting world. Health experts have noticed that popular diets seem to go in waves. While the 90s were marked by the low-fat diet craze, the last six to seven years have been focused on ... Read article
Dieting - 3 Easy Tips That Will Ensure The Success of Your Diet Goals
(Submitted by: James Hegarty)
There is no end to the amount of people who want to loose weight at any given time. It is a real desire among people because it is so easy to add those extra pounds. While it may be easy to add on that extra weight it much harder to get rid of. ... Read article
Important Information About a Green Tea Diet Plan
(Submitted by: Morgan Buchanan)
Everyone keeps telling us that green tea is one of those products that is really good for us. We often start to glaze over and lose interest since we just dont know why this is the case and they go into a long scientific spiel.Fairly ... Read article
The Three Day Diet - How Does It Work?
(Submitted by: Dean Iggo)
The come in several numbers and in different thoughts. The three day diet. It is dieters favorite term, their perfect option before a big event (i.e; dance, wedding, special event) and it is the easy way out of the usual standard of hard core ... Read article
The Atkins Diet Can Work for You - Here''s How
(Submitted by: Andy Bowen)
If you don't know what the Atkins Diet is, where have you been for the last 10 years? The Atkins Diet is a low carb diet developed over twenty years ago by Dr Robert Atkins, an American heart specialist. It is one of the most popular low carb ... Read article
Diet Horoscope - An Easy Diet Plan By Zodiac Signs
(Submitted by: Elaine Fung)
Diet Weight Loss program which Use Horoscope Zodiac Signs to Tell the Best Times to Lose the Most Weight with the Least EffortAstrologers themselves found that the planets, sun and moon exert certain physical stresses on the earth. ... Read article
What You Need To Know When Dieting
(Submitted by: David Fishman)
There is no better way to lose weight than to eat right and exercise regularly. Weight loss pills are not a good solution to the overweight problem, nor are they proposed as replacement for the conventional weight loss and management methods such ... Read article
Gout Diet
(Submitted by: Colleen Redman)
Can diet alone cure gout? It would seem so, since the cause of gout is related to faulty purine metabolism, then it would seem logical that cutting down, or out altogether foods high in purines, gout would be eliminated.The pain of gout ... Read article
What You Should Know Before Starting A Weight Loss Diet Plan
(Submitted by: Jed Baguio)
Before looking for weight loss diet plan. These tips that might help you take off a few pounds in a healthy way:- Consult a physician? A dietician can formulate a right weight loss diet plan for your health condition.- Water therapy ... Read article
Are You On A Diet?
(Submitted by: Beverley Clement)
You might tell me that is obvious I am overweight and need to lose the excess weight. Ah! But wait have you ever been on a diet before?I can imagine many of you saying yes I have been on and off diets for so long I cant remember when I ... Read article
Obesity Surgery Can Lead To Memory Loss And Movement Problems
A new US study suggests that obesity surgery such as gastric bypasses can cause vitamin deficiency that leads to memory loss, confusion, co-ordination, and other neurological problems.The study is published in the journal Neurology.A neurological sydrome called Wernicke encephalopathy occurs mostly in patients who vomit a lot after they have had weight loss surgery (also known as bariatric surgery). [click link for full article]
Obesity Surgery Can Lead To Memory Loss, Other Problems
Weight loss surgery, such as gastric bypass surgery, can lead to a vitamin deficiency that can cause memory loss and confusion, inability to coordinate movement, and other problems, according to a study published in the March 13, 2007, issue of Neurology®, the scientific journal of the American Academy of Neurology. The syndrome, called Wernicke encephalopathy, affects the brain and nervous system when the body doesn't get enough vitamin B1, or thiamine. [click link for full article]
Food: Can Variety Breed Indulgence?
Every morning I have the same breakfast. With the exception of a few minor variations I have been eating the same breakfast day in and day out for years. Some people believe that too much variation can lead to indulgence. Is this really true?...
Belly Fat May Drive Inflammatory Processes Associated With Disease
As scientists learn more about the key role of inflammation in diabetes, heart disease and other disorders, new research from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis suggests that fat in the belly may be an important promoter of that inflammation.Excess fat is known to be associated with disease, but now the researchers have confirmed that fat cells inside the abdomen are secreting molecules that increase inflammation. [click link for full article]
Research In Childhood Obesity In Children Highlights Physical Activity Levels
A British study, involving 5,500 children and published in the latest issue of PLoS Medicine, used accurate methods to measure the 'fat mass' of the children and the amount of physical activity they were taking. The researchers, based at the University of Bristol, concluded that low levels of activity, particularly moderate and vigorous activity, play an important role in the development of obesity. [click link for full article]
Obesity's Connection To Cardiovascular Disease Remains Poorly Understood
Obesity rates have escalated dramatically in the last several decades and the condition negatively affects health, but its connection to conditions such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) is complex and not fully understood. In the March issue of the Journal of Investigative Medicine experts say more research is needed to discover the links between obesity and CVD, with particular attention to biological differences between women and men. [click link for full article]
Philips 598: The Phone For Weight-Conscious Women
Philips are releasing a cell phone targeted towards women. What's intriguing about the phone is the feature set. The features include both a Body Mass Index calculator and a Basal Metabolic Rate feature. Apparently women need to be able to calculate their BMI anywhere anytime....
Is Subway Better Than McDonald's?
Subway have taken aim at McDonald's with their new "Fresh Fit" meals. The combo meals are compared side-by-side against a Big Mac meal. Subway's meal comes out at 265 calories, while the Big Mac meal hits a gluttonous 1230 calories. But there's more to it than that......
A Short Walk Helps Smokers Quit
Smokers should do short bouts of exercise to help them resist the temptation to light up, say experts at the University of Exeter. A review, recently published in the international journal 'Addiction', concludes that when smokers abstain from smoking, exercise can help them to manage withdrawal symptoms and resist the urge to smoke. [click link for full article]
Be Inspired: Shannan's Story
Some people have it tough, and others have it very tough. Shannan Hutchinson is one of the latter. Shannan has Multiple Sclerosis - yet despite the phenomenal challenges posed by her illness, Shannan was able to lose over 90 pounds - by eating right and exercising. Here is her story....